Sunday, September 26, 2021

Bill Orton vs Alex King 0-1 Monday Team Battle 09/21/2021- Black to move with advantage.

Answer: 18...Bh6 19.Rc2 Rxc3 20.Rxc3 Bd2. If 21.Rc1 Bxc1 22. Rxc1 Nxe5. (18...Be5? was played in the game.)

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Answer to Study: Jared Taylor vs Graham Horobetz ___ Jonesboro, Arkansas * Arkansas State Championship Round 6

Answer: 49...Qf7, leading to a forced Queen trade. Not the immediate move 49...g4, as 50.Rxf4 which is a nice trick. Black can't recapture due to 51.Qxg7#. After 49...Qf7, if White does not trade Queens and instead plays 50.Qe4, Black can then win White's Rook with 50...g4.

(If you can not see the complete game below, you may need to remove the "s" from "https://www." or click this link:

Thursday, September 2, 2021