Thursday, December 31, 2020

Chess Advocate Cover Game

Answer to the front page of Chess Advocate Vol. 5 No. 2:  69.Nd1 !! 

Sadly, it went overlooked in the actual game… The position is now a mutual zugzwang - if it were White's move then White would lose, but since it is Black's move then White can draw! Almost any Black move can be met with 70.Nf2 followed by 71.Nxh3 eliminating

both of Black's pawns. Below is the actual game:

Monday, June 29, 2020

John Hurt vs Marty Appleberry – 1979 Bluff City Open

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Chess Advocate Problem Answer, Melvin vs Ronen

White: Bill Melvin, Black: Ronen Wilson, Event: 2019 Washington International

Date: 07/27/19, Round: 1, Result: 0-1

Answer: 37... Qd2+ 38. Bxd2 Rxd2+ (39. Ka1 Bc3+ 40. Kb1 a2+ 41. Kc1 a1=Q#)

[This] game is against Ronen Wilson from the 2019 Washington International.  It was like $450 more to play in the Open section since I had some bad FIDE rated tournaments, so I played in the second section.

The position for the problem is after 37. Bg5.  When he played 37. ... Qd2 I actually thought he just blundered his queen and didn't notice my bishop.  Once he took back with the rook I realized that I was being forcibly mated by rook, bishop, and pawn.____B. Melvin

Chess Advocate Problem Answer, Burke vs Melvin

White: John Burke 2621, Black: Bill Melvin 2204, Event: 2018 Washington International

Date: 08/14/2018, Round: 7, Result: 1-0

Answer: 27.Qh5+ Kg8 28.Qh8+ (28...Kxh8 29.Rh6+ Kg8 30.Rh8#)

The first game against GM John Burke was played at the 2018 Washington International.  I had just beaten GM Larry Kaufman (my first GM), SM Grant Xu, and SM Jennifer Yu in succession.  So, you can be sure that GM Burke (I think he was 16) wasn't taking me lightly.

It is an obvious queen sacrifice that I saw ahead of time but could not prevent.

Note that GM Burke had to see the queen sacrifice when he played 20. Qxh6 sacrificing the bishop on c4.  I was very excited at the time thinking that I was about to score my fourth straight win.  I figured he was playing for 22. Qxd8, but I had seen that 22. ... Bf5 won easily.  Alas, GM Burke saw much farther in the game.  In my opinion, he probably saw the entire combination when he played 20. Qxh6. ______B. Melvin

Sunday, May 17, 2020

2020 Scholastic TN Team Championship - February 8, 2020, Round 4 White: Jonathan Mehrotra - 1413 Black: Adithiva Suryaram - 640

Scholastic Team Championship Junior High (K-9) Section

Nashville, Tennessee

February 8, 2020, Round 4

White:  Jonathan Mehrotra - 1413
Black: Adithiva Suryaram - 640

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Aron Nimzowitsch-Karl Behting, Riga, 07/10/1919

Aron Nimzowitsch-Karl Behting, Riga, 07/10/1919

Stamer, Wolfgang. - Schlenker, Rainer. 2nd Pfullingen Invitational (Germany), 1977

Stamer, Wolfgang. - Schlenker, Rainer. 2nd Pfullingen Invitational (Germany), 1977

Bellingrath-Pape, Untergrombach 1993

Bellingrath-Pape, Untergrombach 1993

Friday, April 10, 2020

Garcia de la Villa, Bernardo vs Munoz Doyague, Manuel

Garcia de la Villa, Bernardo vs Munoz Doyague, Manuel

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Dwight Weaver vs Peter Pritchett–2020 City of Memphis Candidates Tournament

Answer: 61. Rg3+ Kf2 62. Rxg4 Bxg4 63. b7 1/2-1/2

Friday, January 10, 2020

David Russ vs Erick Sparks–Friendly Match

Black to move and win:

Answer: 23...Rd8+ 24. Nd2 Rxd2+ 25. Kc1 Qxe1# 0-1